Cream Hardener (Red, White & Blue) 02/21/14
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classifications are mandated by a competent authority. In addition, toxicological data on ingredients may not be
reflected in the material classification and/or the signs and symptoms of exposure, because an ingredient may be
present below the threshold for labeling, an ingredient may not be available for exposure, or the data may not be
relevant to the material as a whole.
11.1. Information on Toxicological effects
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure
Based on test data and/or information on the components, this material may produce the following health effects:
May be harmful if inhaled. Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge,
headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain.
Skin Contact:
May be harmful in contact with skin.
Contact with the skin during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation. Allergic Skin Reaction (non-photo
induced): Signs/symptoms may include redness, swelling, blistering, and itching.
Eye Contact:
Severe Eye Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include significant redness, swelling, pain, tearing, cloudy appearance of the
cornea, and impaired vision.
Gastrointestinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.