
© 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 27 of 33
Workshop 4 Designer Environment 12.1.
Choose the Designer environment to write 4DGL
code in its raw form.
The Designer environment provides the user with
a simple yet effective programming environment
where pure 4DGL code can be written, compiled
and downloaded to the DIABLO16.
Workshop 4 ViSi Environment 12.2.
ViSi was designed to make the creation of
graphical displays a more visual experience.
ViSi is a great software tool that allows the user to
see the instant results of their desired graphical
layout. Additionally, there is a selection of inbuilt
dials, gauges and meters that can simply be placed
onto the simulated module display. From here
each object can have its properties edited, and at
the click of a button all relevant 4DGL code
associated with that object is produced in the user
program. The user can then write 4DGL code
around these objects to utilise them in the way
they choose.
Workshop 4 ViSi Genie Environment 12.3.
ViSi Genie is a breakthrough in the way 4D
Systems’ graphic display modules are
programmed. It is an environment like no other, a
code-less programming environment that provides
the user with a rapid visual experience, enabling a
simple GUI application to be ‘written’ from scratch
in literally seconds.
ViSi Genie does all the background coding, no
4DGL to learn, it does it all for you.
Pick and choose the relevant objects to place on
the display, much like the ViSi Environment, yet
without having to write a single line of code. Each
object has parameters which can be set, and
configurable events to animate and drive other
objects or communicate with external devices.
Simply place an object on the screen, position and
size it to suit, set the parameters such as colour,
range, text, and finally select the event you wish
the object to be associated with, it is that simple.
In seconds you can transform a blank display into a
fully animated GUI with moving sliders, animated
press and release buttons, and much more. All
without writing a single line of code!
ViSi Genie provides the user with a feature rich
rapid development environment, second to none.
Workshop 4 Serial Environment 12.4.
The Serial environment in the Workshop 4 IDE
provides the user the ability to transform the
DIABLO16 into a slave serial graphics controller.
This enables the user to use their favourite
microcontroller or serial device as the Host,
without having to learn 4DGL or program in a
separate IDE. Once the DIABLO16 is configured
and downloaded to from the Serial Environment,