Operation Manual

6.15 Breath Controller 81
Typical Use. See Bowed Multimode module.
The default value of the following parameters is set during construction
Length: the length, in meters, of the string.
Frequency: fundamental frequency, in Hertz, of the string when there is no pitch modulation
signal or when its value is equal to 0. Note that the fundamental frequency is independent
of the length of the string. The software automatically calculates the physical parameters
necessary to obtain the required fundamental frequency. The default value of this parameter
is 261.62 Hz which corresponds to the middle C (C3) of a piano keyboard. This setting is
convenient when controlling a Bowed String module with a Keyboard module.
Decay: proportional to the decay time of the sound produced by the string.
Inharmonicity: detunes the partial, toward higher frequencies, with respect to the fundamen-
tal. This parameter varies between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a perfect string.
Number of Modes: number of modes used to simulate the object. As the number of modes
is increased, the number of partials in the sound increases but also inevitably the calculation
Excitation point: x-coordinate, in meters, of bow interaction point from the extremity of the
Listening point: x-coordinate, in meters, of listening point from the extremity of the string.
The excitation and listening points should be the same in order to obtain a proper functioning.
Note: For more details on this module and especially the front panel controls, see the Bowed
Multimode module.
6.15 Breath Controller
This module is used to receive signal from a MIDI breath controller (MIDI controller number 2).
It has no input. Its one output, the breath controller signal, lies between 0 and 1 depending on the
blowing strength. This module has no front panel control.
The default value of the following parameters is set during construction
MIDI channel: MIDI channel used by the breath controller.