Operation Manual

Click on a note to select it. Alternatively, select the Arrow tool and drag a selection. All notes that fall within the
selection rectangle will become selected. Hold down the Shift or Control key to multi-select notes.
Double click a note on the piano roll keyboard and all notes of that value will become selected.
Click anywhere besides a note to deselect it or press the Esc key.
Selected notes will appear black.
Moving Notes
Select a note and drag it. You can be in either arrow or pencil mode.
(Before moving.)
Move the note or notes by dragging up, down, left or right. The piano roll will auto scroll if you go beyond the
extents of the window. Movement will be aligned based on the Piano Roll's snap level.
(After moving.)
Editing Notes
Move your mouse to the left or right side until it turns to a left-right arrow cursor. You can resize a note by drag
and drop. Resizing will be aligned based on the Piano Roll's snap level.
(Before resizing.)
(After resizing.)
You can also edit a note or group of notes by right clicking and selecting "Edit..." The note edit dialog will pop up
and allow you to edit the specifics, which include:
z Start time (Measure, beat and fractional beat)
z Duration (Measures, beats and fractional beats)
z Note value (A0-G10)
z Velocity ON (1-127)
z MIDI Channel (1-16)
z Velocity OFF ( 0-127)
Quantizing Notes
You can quantize a note or a group of selected notes by clicking the Quantize... button.
More on quantizing notes...
Snapping In The Piano Roll
The piano roll has it's own snap level which allows you to edit and move notes to exact measure and beat
positions. If you find that you cannot move or resize a note, try turning off the piano roll snap. Click on the snap
button and select a new snap setting.
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