Operation Manual

Choose Adjust Pitch By from the drop down list on the Sound Details Tab.
This allows you to change the pitch by semitones. You can type in a partial amount such as 1.26 semitones or use
the drop down or spin arrows to adjust by a whole semitone or 1/10th of a semitone. You might use this option to
fix a slightly off key vocal performance or transpose a sound into a key you are more familiar with.
Adjust To Project Key
Click here for more on adjusting a sound's key.
Transposing Virtual Instrument Clips
You can transpose a Virtual Instrument Clip by clicking on the Sound Details tab on the bottom of the window.
Click on the drop down entitled Adjust To Project Key and choose Transpose By.
Then either type in or select the number of half steps that you'd like to transpose the clip by.
Virtual Instrument clips can be transposed without audio degradation because each time they are played the
synthesizer recreates the sound from the MIDI data.
Adjusting The Sound's Key
You can change a sound's key by clicking the Sound Details Tab on the bottom of the window. Each sound can be
in one of the following modes: Adjust To Project Key, Adjust Pitch By, Transpose By (Virtual Instrument clips only)
or Do Not Fix Pitch. (Audio clips only) Select the drop down to change the mode to Adjust to Project Key.
Adjust To Project Key
If in this mode, Mixcraft will adjust the pitch of the sound based on the difference between the project's key and the
sound's key. For example, if the project key was F# and the sound's key was F, it would adjust the pitch of the
sound up by one semitone so that it was in tune with F# instead of F.
However, you can have more than one key change in a project. A sound in Adjust To Project Key mode will adjust
to the correct # of half steps in order to play in the correct key based on the most recent key change. To continue
the example, if your sound was in F and you had two key changes to A and then G, it would correspond to shifting
the pitch of your sound by four semitones up to A and then by two semitones up to G.
The software adjusts the pitch by the shortest distance between two keys. For example, if the project key was G
and the sound's key was F, it will adjust it by +2 semitones, instead of -10 semitones.
Changing The Key Of A Sound
ssuming that the key of the sound is correct, you can change the key of a sound by adding markers with key
changes and/or by changing the project's key. You do not need to change the key of the sound on the Sound
Details Tab, but, instead, you should change the project key or add key change markers! In short, if you want to
change the key of a sound, change the project key! Changing the key of a sound should only be done if the
detected key is wrong!
Changing The Detected Key Of A Sound
You must be in
djust To Project Key mode to change the detected key of a sound.
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