Operation Manual

This will extend the instrument window and show more details about the preset.
To add a virtual instrument, click on <Select Synth> and then choose a synthesizer from the drop down list.
fter selecting an instrument, you can change the following parameters:
z Preset - Select a preset or patch from the synthesizer
z Edit - If the synthesizer has an interface, click the Edit button to bring it up for further customization.
z Volume - Click on the volume column and type in a value from 1 to 200 %
z Pan - Click on the pan column and type in a value from -100% to 100%
z Range - You can set the range of MIDI notes that this synthesizer responds to. Click on it and select a range of
notes from the pop-up keyboard. The synthesizer will only play audio for notes in this range.
z Transpose - Type in a value to transpose notes for this synthesizer. For example, if you set the transpose to 12
and you play a C4 on your MIDI keyboard, it will actually play a C5.
z Velocity - Type in a velocity range that this synthesizer will respond to. (1-127) See the MIDI primer for more
information on velocity. Make sure to type in a dash so that the software understands what the range is. For
example, if you wanted it to respond to velocities from 120 to 127, you would type in '120 - 127'.
Once you have edited the values for this synthesizer, you will end up with something like this:
t this point, you can add more synthesizers and effects.
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