Operation Manual

Edit Effects
This shows the Track Details Tab so that you can edit the effects for the selected track.
Select All Sounds On This Track (Ctrl+Shift+A)
This selects all tracks on the selected track.
Sound Menu
Edit / Edit Loop
This will display the Sound Details tab for the currently selected sound. If it is an audio clip you will be able to edit
it's loop, change it's key and tempo. If it is a Virtual Instrument Clip, you will be able to edit it via the Piano Roll
Editor and change it's key, tempo and more.
Add Sound (Ctrl+H)
Shows the Add A Sound dialog so that you can add any supported sound file. See Adding Sounds...
Add Instrument Clip
This will add a blank Virtual Instrument Clip on the closest Virtual Instrument Track. You can also double click a
Virtual Instrument Track to create a blank Virtual Instrument Clip.
Loop Library
This shows the Loop Library Tab.
Play Sound
Plays the last selected sound.
Mute / Unmute
Mutes or unmutes the selected sound.
Lock / Unlock
Locks or unlocks the selected sound.
Edit In External Editor...
Edits the sound or a copy of the sound in an external sound editor (3rd party).
Make Into Loop
Makes the trimmed sound into a loop. ** This only applies to audio clips.
Trim Silence (Ctrl+I)
This trims the left and right edge of each sound and removes any silent or near silent areas for all selected
sounds. ** This only applies to unlooped audio clips.
Automatic Marker Wizard...
This automatically creates markers based on a sound or at specified intervals.
Normalize Volume (Ctrl+K)
This adjusts the volume of all selected sounds to the normalized level. The normalized level is based on the
highest peak in the sound.
Fade In
This shows a pop up menu with the following options: Fast, Medium & Slow. Each option will add a fade in of the
current envelope type on all selected sounds. Note that the fade is applied to the selected area and if there is a
selection rectangle, it will only fade in the selection rectangle.
Fade Out
This shows a pop up menu with the following options: Fast, Medium & Slow. Each option will add a fade out of the
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