Operation Manual

current envelope type on all selected sounds. Note that the fade is applied to the selected area and if there is a
selection rectangle, it will only fade in the selection rectangle.
This shows a pop up menu allowing you to choose a percentage to boost all selected sounds for the current
envelope type. Note that the boost is applied to the selected area and if there is a selection rectangle, it will only
fade in the selection rectangle.
This shows a pop up menu allowing you to choose a percentage to reduce all selected sounds for the current
envelope type. Note that the reduce is applied to the selected area and if there is a selection rectangle, it will only
fade in the selection rectangle.
Reset Envelope (Ctrl+Alt+T)
This restores the current envelope to it's default setting for all selected sounds.
Invert Envelope (Ctrl+Alt+Y)
This inverts or flips the current envelope vertically for all selected sounds.
Split (Ctrl+T)
This will split any selected sounds at the time offset where the caret intersects them.
Join (Ctrl+J)
Joining eliminates the gaps or silence between any selected sounds by moving the selected sounds together.
View Menu
All Tracks Height
This option pops up a sub men that allows you to choose the height of all tracks. Choose from Small, Normal or
Timeline Mode
Choose from Measures:Beats or Minutes:Seconds to view the timeline in beats or time mode.
Snap To Grid
Turn off snap or choose a snap setting for the timeline in the pop up sub menu.
Show / Hide Details Area
Shows or hides the details window, which would include project, track, sound or loop library details.
Project Details
Shows the Project Details Tab.
Track Details
Shows the Track Details Tab.
Sound Details
Shows the Sound Details Tab.
Loop Library
Shows the Loop Library.
Zoom In ( + )
Zooms in to the project for a more detailed view.
Zoom Out ( - )
Zooms out for a more overall view.
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