Operation Manual

Ctrl+Z Undo the last thing you did.
Nudging Sounds via the Keyboard
You can move sounds via the keyboard. Use the arrow keys to move selected sounds!
Moving horizontally along the timeline.
Use the arrows to move the sound quickly.
Hold down the Ctrl key and the sounds will move in increments of 20 milliseconds. Hold down Ctrl+Shift key to
move in increments of 1 millisecond.
(<- or -> ) +/- quick move (depends on zoom level.)
Ctrl + (<- or -> ) +/- 20 milliseconds
Ctrl + Shift + (<- or -> ) +/- 1 millisecond
Moving sounds vertically
You can move the sound vertically as well. You may do this if you are trying to move sound(s) to another track.
Tabbing between sounds via the keyboard
If you are interested in getting around quickly in the session and love the keyboard movement features, you will be
happy to know that you can switch from sound to sound via the Tab key and Shift-Tab key combination.
The Tab key will select the next sound on the current track or the first sound on the subsequent track. (If you are
at the end of the last track, it will go to the start of the first track.)
Holding down Shift key and pressing the Tab key will do the opposite of Tab. It will select the previous sound on
the track. If it is the first track, it will select the last sound on the previous track.
The default cursor
Envelope Point Edit
This cursor shows that an envelope point can be added or moved.
This cursor shows that you can erase notes or controller data.
By holding down the Ctrl key and dragging, this lets you visually time stretch any audio clip.
This cursor shows that a selection can be made on a sound.
This cursor shows that you can draw new notes or controller data.
Play Sound
This cursor shows that you can play a sound in the sound library.
Resize Interface
This cursor is shown when resizing the details area or resizing a track.
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