Operation Manual

z Try a different blank CD (Make sure it's not full or scratched)
z Try a different blank CD from a different manufacturer.
z Shut down other programs and temporarily shut down your virus checker during a burn. ( Shutting down your
virus checker should be done at your own risk. Make sure you are not connected to the Internet and have done a
full virus scan recently.)
z Try burning at a slower speed, especially if your CD recorder does not have 'Burn Proof'.
z Try checking the option to 'Convert To WAV First.'
z If you have more than one CD or DVD recorder, try switching to the other recorder on the burn CD window.
z If you have Windows XP or Vista, try switching to IMAPI.
z Try burning a short sound just to verify that CD recorder can still burn and is not defective.
z Try burning with another program such as Windows Media Player to verify that your CD recorder is not defective
or having some kind of system conflict.
How Do I Get Rid Of The Two Second Gap Between Tracks On My Burned CD?
In Goldenhawk mode, audio CDs will not have a two second gap between tracks.
However, if you are burning in IMAPI mode, you are forced by the IMAPI system to have a two second gap
between tracks.
There are two options:
1) Click the checkbox to Burn As One Track on the burn CD window. The problem with this option is that you will
have to fast forward or rewind the burned CD to get to a specific part.
2) Mix the project down to WAV files and then use a 3rd party burning program that supports your CD writer or
DVD writer. On the Mix Down dialog, make sure that you check the option to Create A New File For Each CD
Marker. We recommend WAV files at CD quality for the mix down. Then import the WAV files into your 3rd party
CD writer software, arrange them in the correct order and burn the CD!
The Burned CD Does Not Play In My Car or Home CD Player
There are a few things you can try:
z Make sure that you actually burned the CD! Look at the back of the CD under a light and make sure that you
see a difference between a burned area and a blank section.
z Make sure that there aren't any scratches or smudges on the CD data surface.
z Try a different blank CD made from a different manufacturer. See if there is a recommended type of CD for your
CD player.
z Try burning at a slower speed. Older CD players are not as tolerant and if you burn at a slower speed, it will
burn with a higher precision of quality. Also, some blank CDs are not rated for higher speeds. Check the
information that came with your blank CDs for it's burn speed rating.
z If there is a paper sticker label on the CD, it could be interfering with the weight balance or it may not be
spinning at the right speed. Try a CD without a label on it.
z Check to see if the CD plays in other CD players, besides your computer.
Can't Download Sounds In Library
If you can't download sounds from the library, make sure of the following things.
z Make sure that you are connected to the Internet. Try launching your Internet browser and going to a news
article or website that you haven't been to. (This verifies that you aren't viewing cached content.)
z Make sure that your security software or Internet firewall is not blocking Mixcraft from accessing the Internet.
You will need to go into your firewall or security software and allow Mixcraft access to the Internet. (You may need
to use your security or fire wall's help manual or documentation to figure this out.)
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