Operation Manual

Time Signature
The time signature (also known as "meter signature") is a notational convention used in Western musical notation
to specify how many beats are in each bar and what note value constitutes one beat.
Time Stretch
Time stretching is the process of changing the speed or duration of an audio signal without affecting its pitch.
Virtual Instrument Clips
Virtual Instrument Clip contains MIDI data which is a series of notes and other events. To produce actual audio,
it sends the note data to the synthesizer configured on a Virtual Instrument Track.
Virtual Instrument Track
Virtual Instrument Track is a track that has a Virtual Instrument or external synthesizer which it sends MIDI
information to.
The amplitude of sound. The minimum is 0% and the maximum is 200%
VST Effects
Virtual Studio Technology and its acronym VST refer to an interface standard for connecting audio synthesizer and
effect plug ins to audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies allow the
replacement of traditional recording studio hardware with software counterparts.
WAV (or WAVE), short for Waveform audio format, is a Microsoft and IBM audio file format standard for storing
audio on PCs.
Wave Form
Waveform means the shape and form of a signal, such as a wave moving across the surface of water, or the
vibration of a plucked string.
This is the new low latency, high performance audio driver system on Windows Vista. It stands for Wave Real
WDM stands for Windows Driver Model.
WMA stands for Windows Media Audio. WMA files contain perceptually encoded sound data.
The frequencies that humans cannot perceive are removed, although some audio purists say they can tell the
difference between a high bit-rate WMA and a Wave file. A WMA file can be as much as 20 times smaller than an
equivalent WAV file.
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