
ACR1283LReference Manual
Version 1.00
Page 21 of 55
0x20h (Session Key) = Volatile memory for storing a temporally key. The key will be
disappeared once the reader is disconnected from the PC. Only 1
volatile key is provided. The volatile key can be used as a session
key for different sessions.
Note: Default Value = {FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
Key (6 Bytes): The key value loaded into the reader, e.g. {FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
Load Authentication Keys Response Format (2 Bytes)
Response Data Out
Result SW1 SW2
Load Authentication Keys Response Codes
Results SW1 SW2 Meaning
Success 90 00h The operation is completed successfully.
Error 63 00h The operation is failed.
// Load a key {FF FF FF FF FF FFh} into the non-volatile memory location 0x05h.
APDU = {FF 82 20 05 06 FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
// Load a key {FF FF FF FF FF FFh} into the volatile memory location 0x20h.
APDU = {FF 82 00 20 06 FF FF FF FF FF FFh}
1. Basically, the application should know all the keys being used. It is recommended to store all
the required keys to the non-volatile memory for security reasons. The contents of both
volatile and non-volatile memories are not readable by the outside world.
2. The content of the volatile memory “Session Key 0x20h” remains valid until the reader is reset
or power-off. The session key is useful for storing any key value that is changing from time to
time. The session key is stored in the “Internal RAM”, while the non-volatile keys are stored in
“EEPROM” that is relatively slower than “Internal RAM”.
3. It is not recommended to use the “non-volatile key locations 0x00h ~ 0x1Fh” to store any
“temporally key value” that will be changed so often. The “non-volatile keys” are supposed to
be used for storing any “key value” that will not change frequently. If the “key value” is
supposed to be changed from time to time, please store the “key value” to the “volatile key
location 0x020h.” Authentication for Mifare 1K/4K
This command uses the keys stored in the reader to do authentication with the Mifare 1K/4K card
(PICC). Two types of authentication keys are used: TYPE_A and TYPE_B.
Load Authentication Keys APDU Format (6 Bytes) (Obsolete)
Command Class INS P1 P2 P3 Data In
Authentication FFh 88h 00h