
APCI-3xxx Functions of the board
3) Sequence modes (with DMA)
There are 2 sequence modes that are shown in the following two examples:
a) Simple sequence mode (example 1 and 2)
b) Sequence mode with delay (example 1 and 2)
Note: The sequence mode always uses DMA!
a) Simple sequence mode
Simple sequence mode – Example 1
In this example the interrupt occurs at the end of each sequence (after 5
acquisitions) and the acquisition is stopped after 3 sequences.
dw_NbrOfChannel = 5
dw_SequenceChannelArray = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
dw_SequenceCounter = 3
dw_InterruptSequenceCounter= 1
Simple sequence mode - example 2
Here the interrupt occurs after 2 sequences (10 acquisitions) and the
acquisition is stopped via the following function: