User`s guide

Front Panel
Adept SmartController User’s Guide, Rev. K 35
3.2 Front Panel
Figure 3-2. Front Panel
Before running programs, either the Adept Front Panel or customer-supplied switches for
High Power On/Off, MAN/AUTO, and E-Stop must be connected to the XFP connector
on the SmartController to enable power safely.
NOTE: Safety regulations dictate the sequence of events required for the
user to enable high power. For instance, a user may be required to press
the High Power On button on the Front Panel after pressing the
COMP/PWR button on the pendant or issuing the V
“enable power”
command. Users cannot jumper this button input and still enable power
(see your robot manual for further details).
Figure 3-2 shows an Adept Front Panel.
1: XFP connector
Connects to the XFP connector on the SmartController.
2: System 5 V Power-On LED
Indicates whether or not power is connected to the controller.
3: Manual/Automatic Mode Switch
Switches between Manual and Automatic mode. In Automatic mode, executing programs
control the mechanism, and the mechanism can run at full speed. In Manual mode, the
system limits mechanism speed and torque so that an operator can safely work in the cell.
Manual mode initiates software restrictions on robot speed, commanding no more than
250 mm/sec as required by RIA and ISO standards. Please refer to your robot manual for
further details.