Network Router User Manual

Commission Members option. Aer a few seconds, both the LonMaker PC and the GRouter
devices will turn green.
You will now be able to install and commission the GRouter devices as 709.1 routers in the
LonMaker network diagram.
3.4. Commissioning GRouter Device With LonMaker
ere are two ways that a network management tool such as LonMaker can communicate with
and commission a GRouter device. e rst way is for the network management tool to be
connected to a LON channel that is connected to the LON channel for the GRouter. e
connection may go through several other routers. e second way is for the network management
tool to be directly connected to the same 852 IP channel as the GRouter device. In either case
once a viable connection has been established the network management tool may now install and
commission the GRouter device into its network diagram
If the LonMaker diagram already has the IP channel wherein the GRouter is member then go
to the next step. Otherwise, create a new IP channel.
Create a new TP-10 channel in the LonMaker Visio screen.
Drag a router device onto the network and uncheck the “Commission Device box. Set up the
router to communicate between the IP channel and the TP-10 channel.
Once the device has been set up, right-click the device and select Commission. Choose the
Service Pin Install option. When LonMaker indicates that it is waiting for the service pin, press
SRV P1 on the GRouter device. If the router and LonMaker are communicating properly,
LonMaker will commission the GRouter device, and the router device will turn green in the
LonMaker application. e following screen shots show how this is done.