User`s guide

C/C++ Library 53
W_9111_AD_Timer (ByVal cardNo As Integer, ByVal c1 As Integer,
ByVal c2 As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: The card number of PCI-9111 card initialized.
c1: frequency divider of timer #1
c2: frequency divider of timer #2
@ Return Code
5.29 _9111_Counter_Start
@ Description
The counter #0 of the PCI-9111 Timer/Counter chip can be freely
programmed by the users. This function is used to program the counter
#0. This counter is used as the pre-trigger counter.
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS)
U16 _9111_Counter_Start (U16 cardNo, U16 mode, U16 c0)
C/C++ (Windows 95)
U16 W_9111_Counter_Start (U16 cardNo, U16 mode, U16 c0)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_9111_Counter_Start (ByVal cardNo As Integer, ByVal mode As
Integer, ByVal c0 As Integer) As Integer
@ Argument
cardNo: The card number of PCI-9111 card initialized.
Mode: the 8254 timer mode, the possible values are:
Please refer to Counter/Timer 8254's reference
manual for more detailed information of timer mode.
c0: count value of counter#0
@ Return Code
5.30 _9111_Counter_Read
@ Description
This function is used to read the count value of the Counter#0.
@ Syntax