User Guide

User Guide
You can choose whether to work in 8-bit-per-channel or 16-bit-per-channel color mode for
each project. You can directly import 16-bit images, including those from Photoshop, and
you can composite and color-correct footage in 16-bit mode; the Info palette displays 16-
bit color values with exact precision. To optimize performance, quickly rough out a compo-
sition in 8-bit color mode, and then finalize and output 16-bit files for maximum quality.
Vector paint tools
The nondestructive vector paint tools in After Effects 5.0 open up a host of new creative pos-
sibilities, from strokes that reveal an image over time to animated cartoons and painted tex-
tures that change from frame to frame. Use brush controls to specify exactly how the strokes
you paint will look. Characteristics such as brush radius, color, and opacity can be modified
to get the exact desired look. Use the Onion Skin mode to paint strokes frame by frame. Take
advantage of numerous options to control how the paint strokes interact with the layer they
appear on. For more control over the final results, you can also choose whether strokes con-
tinuously paint or are recorded to the current frame, to sequential frames, or in real time.
Vector Paint lets you paint strokes over time. Page 23 Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:05 PM