Operating instructions

3 . 2 W I N D O W S & G L A Z I N G
Your home is fitted with tilt turn windows. A quarter turn of the handle opens the
top slightly for secure ventilation, while a half-turn will allow the window to swing
inward on side hinges so you can easily clean the outside surface. Tilt turn windows
are made from strong, durable UPVC, simply wipe the frames clean with a damp
Picture 1: shows the window handle pointing downwards in the closed and locked
Picture 2: shows the handle in the open in the horizontal position. This enables
the window to be tilted open slightly from the top, with the hinge engaged at the
bottom of the window. The window opening is restricted.
Picture 3: shows the window in the open-tilt position.
Picture 4: shows the window handle pointing upwards in the vertical position
which enables the window to be fully opened on the side hinges to enable cleaning
of the outside of the window. You must continue to hold the handle in this
position whilst opening the window/balcony door. The window lock key needs to
be inserted into the lock in order to turn the handle from the quarter position (as
shown in picture no.2) into the vertical position.
Picture 5: shows the window in the fully open position
For your health, safety and security DO NOT LEAVE OPENED WINDOWS