Owner manual

The duration can vary according to:
- the speed of the final spin;
- the required degree of drying (extra dry, cupboard dry or iron dry)
- the type of laundry
- the size of load.
The chart on pages 34-35 shows normal drying times. With a little
experience, you will soon come to know the most suitable drying
times for your own laundry requirements.
Porthole door lock
After having started the required drying programme, the door
stays locked throughout the whole cycle.
Fibre residues
After drying fabrics which, lose bits of fibre, for example new
towels, it is advisable to carry out a delicate drying cycle to ensure
that any residue left in the drum is completely eliminated and does
not stick to laundry in the next load.
You should check the filter after each drying cycle and clean it if
Additional drying
If, at the end of the programme, the laundry is still too damp, an
additional drying cycle may be selected.
Warning: Do not over-dry, so as to avoid creasing or shrink
ing of garments.
Duration of drying cycle