User manual

Refer to the Safety chapters.
The following instructions about
installation, connection and
maintenance must be carried out
by qualified personnel in compli-
ance with standards and local
regulations in force.
8.1 Gas Connection
Choose fixed connections or use a flexi-
ble pipe in stainless steel in compliance
with the regulation in force. If you use
flexible metallic pipes, be careful they
do not come in touch with mobile parts
or they are not squeezed. Also be care-
ful when the hob is put together with an
Make sure that the gas supply
pressure of the appliance obeys
the recommended values. The
adjustable connection is fixed to
the comprehensive ramp by
means of a threaded nut G 1/2".
Screw the parts without force,
adjust the connection in the nec-
essary direction and tighten ev-
End of shaft with nut
Rigid connection:
Carry out connection by using metal rig-
id pipes (copper with mechanical end).
"Flexible" connection with
mechanical end:
Natural gas: connection carry out with
a flexible pipe with mechanical end
which is screwed directly on the elbow
finishing the slope of the appliance.
Butane / Propane: use a flexible tube,
equipped with it's collars if it is worth
visiting over all it's length and if the
appliance runs only on butane. If the
appliance runs on Propane, use a flexi-
ble pipe with suitable metal end.
Flexible nonmetal pipes
If it is possible to easily control the con-
nection in its full area, you can use a flex-
ible pipe. Tightly attach the flexible pipe
by clamps.
Liquid gas: use the rubber pipe holder.
Always engage the gasket. Then contin-
ue with the gas connection. The flexible
pipe is prepared for apply when:
it can not get hot more than room
temperature, higher than 30°C;
it is no longer than 1500 mm;
it shows no throttles;
it is not subject to traction or torsion;
it does not get in touch with cutting
edges or corners;
it can be easily examined in order to
check its condition.
The control of preservation of the flexi-
ble pipe consists in checking that:
it does not show cracks, cuts, marks of
burnings on the two ends and on its
full length;
the material is not hardened, but
shows its correct elasticity;
the fastening clamps are not rusted;
expired term is not due.
If one or more defects are visible, do not
repair the pipe, but replace it.
When installation is complete,
make sure that the seal of each
pipe fitting is correct. Use a
soapy solution, not a flame!