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4.1.3 Start/Stop
controls the start and stop frequencies for the sweep. Also sets the annotation to
Start/Stop if it was previously Centre/Span. Creates a set of bottom-row function
keys as follows:
enables the start or stop frequency to be set to a specific value. The
method for setting these is similar to that for setting the Centre frequency
- see section 7.3 for an illustrated description of frequency setting.
sets the start frequency to the frequency of the M1 marker and the stop frequency to
the frequency of the M2 marker. M1 and M2 must both be active and M2 must be at
a higher frequency than M1.
reverts to the start and stop frequencies that existed directly before the
Start=M1/Stop=M2 key was pressed.
opens a second set of actions keys: Fix Start/Fix Stop and Step Down/Step Up.
changes the action of the Step Up/Down keys so that only the stop
frequency or start frequency respectively is changed by the step value.
The fixed start or stop frequency is preceded by the word Fix. Pressing
the key again, or leaving this function-set (by pressing -more- 2 of 2 or any group or sub-group
key) will cancel the fixed start or stop frequency.
changes the start and/or stop frequencies by the value of the step size
(see next section). The action of the Fix Start/Fix Stop keys determines
whether both are stepped or only one is stepped.
Note that, if the start or stop frequency is “fixed” and the step size is set to Auto, the step size
will change on each press of step up/down so that it is always equal to one graticule division.
returns to the alternative set of action keys for Start-Stop. Cancels the fixed start or
stop frequency if set.
4.1.4 Step Size
sets the size of frequency stepping using the Step Up/Down keys. When relevant,
the current step size is displayed within a green box above the keys. Creates a set
of bottom-row function keys as follows:
enables the step size to be set to a specific value. The method for setting the step
size is similar to that for setting the Centre frequency - see section 7.1 for an
illustrated description of frequency setting.
causes the step size to be automatically linked to the width of the span. Thus
Step/Up down will cause the centre frequency to change in steps of one graticule
division. Auto step size is indicated by the word Auto above the step size value.
sets the step size equal to the frequency difference between the M1 and M2
markers (if active).
sets the step size equal to either the centre frequency or to the frequency
of the M1 marker (if active). This can be useful for observing the
harmonics of a fundamental frequency.
Set to
Set to