Operator`s manual

Chapter 10: Project Management (Project Mode)
4. Move the cursor to the Device field (2) and set to “SCSI”.
5. Move the cursor to the Destination Disk field (3) and select the ID number of the backup SCSI
6. Move the cursor to the Disk Operation field (8) and specify whether to format the backup SCSI
device ( FULL FORMAT), erase the data on the device (FAST ERASE), or add backup data (APPEND).
If the backup disk has not been formatted, select “ FULL FORMAT”. (For more information on the format and
erase operation, see page 127.)
You can select “APPEND” for a SCSI device that already has backup data via the FULL FORMAT or FAST
ERASE command.
7. If you have selected the ID number of the CD-R/CD-RW drive in step 5, perform the following
operations, as necessary.
When you press the [F5] (DO IT) key, the following window appears.
In the Write speed field (1), select the writing speed.
The selectable options are MAX, SLOW (x1), FAST x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, and x8. When MAX is selected, the
fastest speed of the connected drive available within the range of x1 to x8 is used.
If you wish to perform test write before the writing operation, set the Test write field (2) to ON (See
page 115).
8. Press the [F5] (DO IT) key.
If you have selected “ APPEND” in step 6, the backup operation starts when you press the [F5] (DO IT) key.
If you have selected “ FULL FORMAT” or “ FAST ERASE” in step 6, the screen displays the backup device
information (ID, product name, manufacturer name, and version number), and the confirmation for erasing the
If you execute the operation, all data on the backup disk will be erased. Proceed very carefully
so that important data is not lost.
9. Press the [F6] (DO IT) key to execute the backup operation.
The format/erase operation starts on the backup disk. When it is completed, the backup operation starts.
When the backup operation is completed, the display returns to the Project screen.
To cancel the operation, press the [F1] (CANCEL) key.