Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 101
Like MULTI mode, the parameters down the right hand side of the screen have windows:
The parameters are:
ZONE LEVEL This duplicates the main ZONE LEVEL parameter seen in the ZONES
page and is included here for convenience.
PAN/BALANCE This duplicates the PAN/BALANCE parameter found in the main ZONES
OUTPUT Here you may route zones to individual outputs.
When set to AS MULTI, when the program is placed in a multi part, the
keygroup(s) will appear at the outputs set in that part. If the program is
not associated with a multi, keygroups assigned AS MULTI will appear
at the main outputs 1/2.
TIP: The new output arrangement on the S6000 offers many improvements over previous
Akai samplers, especially for drum programs. On previous Akai samplers, it was not possible
to have some drum sounds coming out of the individual outputs with others appearing only at
the stereo outputs. This is easily achieved on the S6000.
For example, your kick, snare, hi-hats and tambourine keygroups can be routed to individual
outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively with your stereo mix of toms routed to outs 5/6 - in stereo!
Other stereo instruments or groups of instruments could appear at other stereo outs - all your
Latin percussion sounds appearing at, say outputs 7/8, for example. And so on.
This has never been possible on previous Akai samplers and is a great advance in output
routing flexibility.
FILTER This parameter allows you to set the filter cutoff to maintain a consistent
tone between keygroups. The range is +/-100.
This is actually identical to the ZONE LEVEL window shown above.