Operator`s manual

104 Version 1.21
A positive setting is the normal selection and this effect is particularly
useful for simulating percussion instruments (try it with a bass drum)
because if you play hard, you hear the initial attack but if you play softly,
you don’t. Thus you can add more or less attack and ‘stick noise’ to the
sound using velocity. It can also be very effective with such instruments
as a heavily bowed cello - by setting a high positive value, hard keystrokes
will play the aggressive bowing whilst soft keystrokes will not. The same
could be done with overblown saxes or flutes, even synth sounds that
have a pronounced attack.
It is also recommended to use this with the VELOCITY > ATTACK
parameter found in the AMPLITUDE ENVELOPE (see later in this
PLAYBACK As per the main ZONES page.
This is not unlike the MULTI mode where you first select a part using the soft keys on the left and
then editing them using the parameter keys on the right, opening windows if necessary. So, for
example, to transpose Zone 2 by an octave, press F3, press FINE TUNE (F12) and then press the
WINDOW key (or press F12 again) to open the window where you can set the SEMITONE TUNE.
Close the window when you’ve finished.
TIP: When you select a keygroup zone using F1-4, if you now go to EDIT SAMPLE, the
sample in the selected zone is automatically selected for editing.