Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 141
Whilst MULTI is where you can set superficial attributes to a sound such as level, pan, FX send,
etc., and EDIT PROGRAM is where you have access to deeper levels of sound editing, EDIT
SAMPLE is where you edit the raw samples that make up a sound. Pressing EDIT SAMPLE
shows this page:
The sample you wish to edit is selected by pressing F1 and turning the DATA wheel.
On each sample edit screen, icons display information about the selected sample.
This icon shown after the sample name indicates that the sample is looped. If
this icon is not shown, the sample is not looped.
This icon indicates that the sample is mono.
This icon indicates that the sample is stereo.
Centre screen, further information about the current sample is also shown. You can see its length,
its sample rate and whether it is a normal RAM sample loaded into memory or a ‘virtual’ sample
that will play from disk. The sample’s original note is also shown here (in this case, C5). The
MEMORY box shows the contents of the sampler.
This allows you to monitor the ‘raw’ sample - i.e. in isolation with no processing by the program it
is in - or you can monitor/edit the sample within the context of the program it assigned to. For
example, let us say you have made a snare drum sample and this is placed into a program DRUMS
1. By selecting DRUMS 1 in this field, you will be able to edit it in EDIT SAMPLE whilst listening to
the other drums in the program.
TIP: When editing a sample within the context of a program (i.e. a program is assigned in the
MONITOR parameter), if you press and hold F1 whilst playing notes on the keyboard, the
samples assigned to those notes in the selected program’s keygroup will be automatically
selected. So, for example, if you want to edit the snare sample on D1 of your DRUMS program,
press and hold F1 and play D1 - the snare sample will be selected.
The rest of the keys on this page take you directly to the sample editing functions.