Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 153
XFADE LENGTH This sets the length of the loop crossfade. What this function does is to
crossfade a portion of the sound before and after the loop according to
the time set in the XFADE LENGTH field. This will (should!) smooth out
any glitches you may have. There are no rules and so some
experimentation will be required. Having said that, although the process
is not guaranteed, this can be very effective in getting smooth loops.
The XFADE LENGTH also has a WINDOW function. Pressing WINDOW
reveals these further functions:
FADE PROFILE Here you may select from a choice of crossfade curves (LINEAR, LOG
and SINE). Of these, for a smooth crossfade, SINE is possibly the best
selection as it gives what is also known as an ‘equal power crossfade
but you may like to experiment for the best results.
XFADE LENGTH This parameter is duplicated for convenience.
CROSSFADE This initiates the crossfade function. Pressing this will display the usual
“Processing sample” progress display followed by the PLAY/KEEP
ORIGINAL/NEW/BOTH and RENAME prompt. You should respond
accordingly to the final prompt according to the results of the XFADE
PLAY LOOP This key will play only the looped portion of the sound you have set. This
is a fast and convenient way to hear the loop without having to also hear
the rest of the sample (particularly useful for long samples!).
However, a feature of this key is that it is a ‘latching’ key - press it once
to play the loop, press it again to stop playing the loop. What this means
is that you can set the loop start and end points in real-time playing
whilst the loop is cycling round.
So, to set a loop, place the LOOP START and END times at position
which ‘look’ good on the waveform display (i.e. at points of equal or
similar amplitude). Now press PLAY LOOP to play the loop you have
set. If it ‘glitches’ with pops and clicks, you can now adjust the start and
end points until the glitches are reduced (you could also use AUTO FIND
- see below) to assist you). Once you are happy with the loop, press
PLAY LOOP again to stop the loop playing and play as normal from your
NOTE: The PLAY LOOP function is automatically disabled (i.e. loop playback is stopped) as
soon as you leave the LOOP page.