Operator`s manual

164 Version 1.21
A lot of these problems depend on the nature of the audio material being processed and settings
that process the spoken word perfectly could make a right mess of a percussive dance track. The
converse is also true. The biggest problem is in material that has a healthy balance of low and high
frequencies because different timestretch parameters are required to process different frequency
ranges - in audio material that has a wide frequency composition there is much adjustment to be
done to obtain the correct compromise so that both frequency ranges are adversely affected as
little as possible. To assist in the setting of timestretch, a selection of carefully programmed presets
optimised for certain types of material is provided. Please be aware that, on occasions, you may
never get absolutely perfect results and there may be occasional side effects, especially with
extreme settings of stretch. Over smaller ranges, however, you will find the timestretch on the
S6000 yields excellent results and will become an invaluable tool in your work, whatever application
you are working in.
The S6000 uses the same timestretch algorithms as the highly acclaimed Akai DD1500 Digital
Audio Workstation, a 16-track digital hard disk recorder used extensively in broadcast, video and
film post production suites across the world and responsible for the audio you have heard on many
of the TV programs, films and videos you may have seen! Naturally, when you’re working on a
mega budget blockbuster film, TV or video production, you demand the very best in digital signal
processing. Sampler users require no less and so the DD1500 timestretch process has been
ported directly into the S6000 to offer high quality, phase coherent stereo processing as well as a
range of easy to use presets for setting the timestretch parameters.