Operator`s manual

260 Version 1.21
Please also note the following:
Whilst it is possible to move and copy files around on the Mac in the usual fashion, please
note that the S6000 does not recognise aliases to files.
If you want to play .WAV files on your Mac, you will need a suitable .WAV player. QUICKTIME
will be able to play them but for more flexibility, shareware such as D-Sound Pro (
) allows playback and conversion
of a wide range of sound file formats as well as sample editing features.
Macintosh disk utility applications such as Norton Utilities and Apple’s own Disk First Aid
cannot be used with S6000 disks as these only allow analysis and repair of Mac formatted
HFS or HFS+ disks, not MS-DOS disks.
AKAI professional M.I. Corp. cannot assume any responsibility for the loss or corruption of
data when S6000/S5000 disks/cartridges are used on a Mac or when Mac disks/cartridges
are used with the S6000/S5000.
If your Mac has a PC card or a W95 emulator such as Virtual PC
or SoftWindows, you may also
use those PC environments to manage your sound library if you prefer (although this will be much
slower than organising your sound library on the Mac desktop). If you do choose to use a PC card
or ‘emulated’ PC environment, you will need to have the appropriate drivers for your disk drive
on your PC card or emulator. For information relating to organising your sound library
using Windows, please refer to the section “TRANSFERRING DATA BETWEEN THE S6000 AND
A PC”.
NOTE: You will note that the problems with filenames described on the previous page do not
apply when using W95 on a Mac.
17 Ideally, Virtual PC Version 2 should be used as earlier versions of VPC do not support long filenames.
18 Virtual PC V2.0 allows you to access removable drives such as Jaz, Zip or Syquest as ‘virtual’
disks in W95 by nominating them as ‘shared folders’ in which case, it is not necessary to have the
drivers installed in VPC for the disk to appear as a drive in My Computer on the PC desktop.
Please consult your Virtual PC V2.0 documentation for details regarding this.