Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 19
Progress bars are also used throughout the user interface to indicate status. For example, during
off-line sample editing functions or during record (in fact, any process that takes time), you would
see these progress displays....
Some progress displays (such as the sample processing window above) also show animated
icons as a further indicator of activity.
All off-line processing screens have an ABORT key so that you can cancel the process at any time
if you want. Also, all off-line processing displays end with this screen:
This allows you to audition the new processed version and the original so that you can compare
the two. You are also offered the opportunity to keep the new one and discard the original or keep
the original and discard the new one or you can choose to keep both. You may also choose to
overwrite the original version with the new, processed version.
The recording progress display ends with this screen:
Here you may audition the recording you have just made and, if you are happy with it, you can
keep it otherwise you can discard it and try again.