Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 77
Using the LOW NOTE/HIGH NOTE function in the FINE TUNE ‘window’, you may set key splits:
In this example, UPRIGHT BASS could be set to cover C1-B2 with JAZZY ROADS PNO set to
cover C3-E5 with a handful of BRASS STABS on F5-C6. The same technique could be used in a
string section setup to have cellos in the bottom octaves and violas/violins in the top octaves.
Again, each ‘element’ in the keysplit may be routed to separate outputs and/or the effects for
greater flexibility.
Multi mode can also be used to play up to 128 sounds simultaneously on 32 MIDI channels
Here you can see each part has its own MIDI channel (VIEW 18 PARTS is shown here to make the
example clearer).
Each sound may be mixed and panned and routed to different outputs (either as pairs or to individual
outputs). They may also be tuned and transposed and may also be routed to any one of the four
effects channels (the EB20 is optional on the S5000).
However, when using the S6000 in this way, certain parts may be set to the same MIDI channel so
that some parts will be layered (for example, in the above screen shot, Parts 10 and 11 both play
SLAP BASS #1, presumably detuned for a rich, chorus bass sound) whilst other parts just play
single programs. You could also use keysplits within such a multi.
9 Even though a multi can have up to 128 parts, only 32 channels may be used. However, whilst at
first this may seem strange, this does allow many parts to be layered in a multi-timbral environment.