Operator`s manual

Version 1.21 81
As you can see, the ‘entry pages’ for EDIT PROGRAM and EDIT PART are essentially very similar
In EDIT PART, you hear the selected program within the context of the selected multi (in EDIT
PROGRAM, you hear it in isolation).
In EDIT PART, you cannot select other programs to edit via F1 (in EDIT PROGRAM, you can
program to edit).
In EDIT PART, PROG TOOLS is replaced by SOLO PART. This allows you to solo the selected
sound so that you may hear it in isolation if you need to. You may toggle between SOLO on and
off very quickly simply by pressing F9.
You cannot create a new program in EDIT PART (in EDIT PROGRAM, F16 allows you to create
a new program if you want to build up a program from scratch).
In EDIT PART, the program in the selected part is automatically selected for editing (if you
press EDIT PROGRAM, the correct program may not necessarily be selected and you will
have to select the program separately).
EDIT PROGRAM, therefore, is where you can edit and create
program whilst EDIT PART is
where you edit a particular program within the context of the currently selected multi.
NOTE: If a program is shared between multis (i.e. in this example, if STRING SYNTH is
assigned to other multis), if you edit it using EDIT PART, those edits will be reflected in any
other multi where the program may be being used. If you need to edit differently within the
context of one multi without affecting other multis, you should first copy the program and work
on the copy.