
The World in Communication
> Scanner
With Albrecht scanners and scanner radios you get
a grip of the action. Since the release of scanners,
Albrecht has built up a wide selection of models,
satisfying beginners as well as professionals. Our
policy: we want to offer you high-value scanners at
affordable low prices, perfect engineering and good
quality guaranteed!
Although the use of scanners has been liberated in
numerous European countries, operators of scan-
ners have to pay attention to the considerable diffe-
rences in national jurisdiction that still prevail.
MHz Radio service
26.565 - 27.405 CB-radio
34 - 40 Mobile radio 8 m Band (commercial radio,
remote controls, wireless microphones)
47 - 68.4 TV frequencies Band I
50 - 54.4 Ham Radio 6 m Band
68 - 87.5 Mobile radio 4 m Band (commercial radio, police radio)
87.5 - 108 FM broadcast
108 - 118 Civil Air Navigation Band
118 - 136 Civil Air band
136 - 137.5 Weather Satellites
136 - 144 Military 2 m Band
144 - 146 Ham Radio 2 m Band
146 - 174 Mobile radio 2 m Band (commercial radio, police radio,
maritime radio)
174 - 230 TV frequencies Band III
230 - 400 Military Air Band
410 - 425 Mobile radio (trunked radio)
430 - 440 Ham Radio 70 cm Band
433.075 - 434.775 Low power devices (LPD)
440 - 470 Mobile radio 70 cm Band (commercial radio, railway radio,
446.0 - 446.1 Private mobile radio (PMR 446)
470 - 790 UHF-TV Band IV and V
890 - 960 Public Mobile Radio GSM
1240 - 1300 Ham Radio 23 cm Band
Please note that in Germany it is not allowed to listen on every mentioned frequency band.