
A little history
Amateur radio (“Ham Radio”) is an officially allocated radio
communications service, open (almost) worldwide to ama-
teur radio enthusiasts if they have taken an appropriate
examination and have obtained an amateur radio licence
from their telecommunications authority. The amateur
radio examination is necessary because it even gives them
the right to build their radio sets by themselves or to modify
purchased equipment for their own purposes without the
equipment itself needs to be „approved“. Restrictions for
industrially produced sets occur only from the EMC and
R&TTE directive of the EU (ready-made sets must show
a certain minimum of EMC-safety in accordance with
EN-Standards), for the other technical parameters such
as compliance with permitted amateur radio frequency
ranges and transmitting power each radio amateur is
himself responsible. Certainly there are also EU countries
which require restricted frequency ranges on VHF/UHF on
amateur radio sets for sale in the trade such as Austria,
France and Spain. Even if many amateur radio sets have
a wider frequency in Germany, radio amateurs are only
allowed to operate on the frequencies made available to
them, apart from possibly in specific emergency situations.
Amateur radio sets must definitely not be used for other
purposes even if this were technically possible.
The licence class 3 (Germany only)
Albrecht has taken the latest development into account
and offers VHF radio sets in a version totally suitable for
the new licence class 3. Therefore, all sets have at least one
power switch position where an output below 10 watts is
Albrecht SSB-Radios
10 m SSB-amateur transceivers manufactured by Albrecht
are an ideal, economical alternative for the interesting 10
m band.
Information obtainable from
DARC Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V.
Lindenallee 6
34225 Baunatal
Fax: 0561 9 49 88-61
e-mail address: info@darc.de
From DARC you can also find out about
the licence class 3 and obtain the forms
for the licence examination.
> Amateur radio