Assembly Instructions

Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Push up the Right Wing(C) and Left Wing (D) one by one until taken off from the
Backrest (A).
Make sure all parts are connected and securely locked into position.
your Chair is ready for use.
This Chair can only be used on a flat, level surface.
Disassembly Note:open the flap on the Chair Backrest(A),use a screwdriver(Donยดt use
fingers) pressing outward on the metal ear on the preattached Metal Bracket on one
side of the Chair Base(B),with assistance of you adult partner to keep the Chair
Base(B) in place,pull out the Chair Backrest(A) upward at the same time,repeat the
same step for another side.Then the Chair Backrest(A) can be taken out.
Smooth down the fabric flap on the Chair Backrest(A).
Run your hands down both sides of the flap,from top to bottom,allowing the velcro
tape to adhere to the flap under the seat of the Chair.
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