Installation Guide

Drawer Removal
To remove drawers with Full Access Hidden Glides, locate the black
plastic clips on the bottom of the drawer. Grasp clips at the finger
points provided. Using moderate pressure squeeze the handles
on both sides. This pressure should be maintained during drawer
removal. While continuing to squeeze the black clips, pull the
drawer straight out until it is removed completely. (Figure 27)
To remove drawers with side-mounted drawer glides, pull the
drawer straight out until it stops. Then lift the front of the drawer
slightly and gently pull forward until the glides release.
Handy Pointers
Our cabinets are extremely resistant to stains and surface damage
that can be caused by common household chemicals. They exceed
industry standards in resisting stains like coffee, grape juice and
moisture—all common in any kitchen. But this doesn’t mean that
they are impervious to damage through neglect.
Clean spills immediately. Use a clean cloth and mild soap
if necessary. Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Do not use bleach,
detergents, citrus or ammonia based cleaners, steel wool, soap
pads or abrasive cleaners on your cabinets.
Periodically, remove dust from cabinets with a soft lint-free cloth.
The cloth may be slightly dampened with water or a spray type
dust remover. Wood and laminate cabinet surfaces may be polished
once every few months with a high quality, non-oil based furniture
polish. Do not use a paste wax type material. Wax build-up is
difficult to remove and will leave a residue that attracts dust and
moisture. Polishes containing silicon should not be used.
Extra care should be taken that cabinet finishes are not exposed to
heat in excess of 200 degrees Fahrenheit (174 degrees for Thermo
Foil finishes).
Heat shield kits are available for Thermo Foil styles to direct heat
from ovens away from adjacent cabinets.
To touch up scratches and nicks that may occur during the
installation process or during the life of your cabinets, use the stain
touch-up marker and Fil-Stik included in the sink base. The touch-up
marker and Fil-Stik are matched to the finish of your cabinetry and
created especially for do-it-yourself repairs.
Use the touch-up marker on surface scratches, scuffs or rubbed
edges. Simply shake the marker; remove cap and press down on
the tip until the felt is wet. You may find it easier to test this on
paper or cardboard first. Apply color touch-up with light strokes and
use a cloth to immediately wipe off any excess. Allow to dry for
several minutes.
The Fil-Stik is the tool of choice for chips, dents, deep scratches
or open joints. Simply rub across the affected area until it is filled
and wipe off the excess with a dry cloth. The touch-up Fil-Stik will
fill small holes, chips, dents or open joints. Keep the Fil-Stik out of
reach of children and pets.
These extra steps will ensure that your hard work looks its best and
will help your cabinetry look great for years to come.
Care and Cleaning
Figure 27
Squeeze both black clips
located under drawer
and pull drawer out
Base cabinet