user manual

206 AT-TQ2403 - Management Software - User's Guide
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user samantha password bewitched
4. Repeat this process to add some other users (endora, darren, and wally)
AT-TQ2403# add radius-user endora
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user endora realname "Agnes Moorhead"
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user endora password scotch
AT-TQ2403# add radius-user darren
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user darren realname "Dick York"
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user darren password martini
AT-TQ2403# add radius-user wally
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user wally realname "Tony Dow"
AT-TQ2403# set radius-user wally password sodapop
Note: After you have added all the necessary users, use the save-runnin
g command to
save the new radius-user accounts. If you do not run this command, all new radius-user
accounts will be lost when you reboot the AP.
5. After configuring and saving these new accounts, use the get command to view all users.
AT-TQ2403# get radius-user all
name disabled realname
Endora 0 Agnes Moorhead
Darren 0 Dick York
Samantha 0 Elizabeth Montgomery
wally 0 Tony Dow
Remove a User Account
To remove a user account, type the following
AT-TQ2403# remove radius-user wally
Use the get command to view all user names. (You can see "wally" has been removed.)
AT-TQ2403# get radius-user all name
The command tasks and examples in this section show status information on access points. These
settings correspond to what is shown on the Status tabs in the Web UI. (See “Interfaces
”, “Event Logs”,
Transmit/Receive Statistics
”, “Associated Wireless Clients”, and “Neighboring Access Points”.)
This table provides a quick view of all Status commands and links to detailed examples.
Feature or Setting CLI Command
Understanding Interfaces as Presented in
the CLI
Reference of interface names and purposes as described in
Understanding Interfaces as Presented in the CLI