user manual

AT-TQ2403 Management Software User's Guide 223
en-text Thank you for using wireless Guest Access as provided by this
AT-TQ2403. Upon clicking "Accept", you will gain access to our wireless guest network. This
network allows complete access to the Internet but is external to the corporate network.
Please note that this network is not configured to provide any level of wireless security.
Enable/Disable the Guest Welcome Page
To enable the Guest welcome page:
AT-TQ2403# set portal status up
To disable the Guest welcome page:
AT-TQ2403# set portal status down
Set Guest Welcome Page Text
To specify the text for the Guest welcome page:
AT-TQ2403# set portal welcome-screen-text "Welcome to the Bewitched Network"
Review Guest Login Settings
The following example shows the results of the "set portal" command after specifying some new settings:
AT-TQ2403# get portal
Property Value
status up
welcome-screen on
welcome-screen-text Welcome to the Bewitched Network
Configuring Virtual Wireless Networks (VWNs)
Note: Before configuring this feature, make sure you are familiar with the names of the
interfaces as de
scribed in “Understanding Interfaces as Presented in the CLI
”. The interface
name you reference in a command determines whether a setting applies to a wired or
wireless interface, the Internal or Guest network, or (on a dual-radio AP) to radio "one" or
radio "two".
To configure additional networks on VLANs, you must first enable Virtual Wireless Networks. You can
add up to a maximum of 14 VWNs.
Feature or Setting CLI Command
Find out whether VWNs are enabled
or not
get access-point vwn-status