user manual

230 AT-TQ2403 - Management Software - User's Guide
wpa-cipher-ccmp off
wpa-allowed on
wpa2-allowed on
rsn-preauthentication off
Set the Broadcast SSID (Allow or Prohibit)
To set the Broadcast SSID to on (allow):
AT-TQ2403# set bss wlan0bssInternal ignore-broadcast-ssid on
To set the Broadcast SSID to off (prohibit):
AT-TQ2403# set bss wlan0bssInternal ignore-broadcast-ssid off
Enable / Disable Station Isolation
AT-TQ2403# get interface br0 port-isolation
AT-TQ2403# set radio wlan0 station-isolation off
AT-TQ2403# get radio wlan0 detail
Property Value
status up
description Radio 1 - IEEE 802.11a
mac 00:01:02:03:02:00
max-bss 16
channel-policy static
mode a
dot11h on
radar-detection on
block-time 30
quiet-duration 0
quiet-period 0
tx-mitigation 3
static-channel 36
channel 36
tx-power 100
tx-rx-status up
beacon-interval 100
rts-threshold 2347
fragmentation-threshold 2346
super-ag no
atheros-xr no
load-balance-disassociation-utilization 0
load-balance-disassociation-stations 0
load-balance-no-association-utilization 0
ap-detection off
station-isolation off
frequency 5180
wme off
rate-limit-enable off
rate-limit 50
rate-limit-burst 75
Set Security to Plain Text
AT-TQ2403# set interface wlan0 security plain-text