user manual

. 3.12c
Function Name: Quality of Service (QoS) Layer-4 Configuration:
(Mode Selection Screen)
Function In Layer 4 QoS Configuration you can prioritise packets
Description: based on the application type that they contain; for example,
to down prioritise web browsing, e-mail and FTP.
Advanced/: Toggle the <Simple> / <Advanced> button to switch between
Simple Mode configuration modes and to display details on the TCP/UDP ports
configured (See Fig 3.12d). When Advanced Mode options are
toggled, they will appear on the same screen below the items for
“Simple Mode’” configuration.
Parameter: Disable IP TCP/UDP Port Classification:
Description * Disables all L4 application based QoS
(Simple Mode) Down Prioritise web browsing, e-mail, FTP and news:
* Enable Low prioritisation for standard Internet
Prioritise IP Telephony (VoIP):
* Enable High prioritisation for VoIP applications
Prioritise iSCSI:
* Enable High prioritisation for iSCSI applications
Prioritise web browsing, e-mail, FTP transfers and news:
* Enable High prioritisation for standard Internet
Prioritise Streaming Audio/Video:
* Enable High prioritisation for standard Video and Audio
Streaming Applications
Prioritise Databases (Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL, Microsoft):
* Enable High prioritisation for Database Applications