user manual

Parameter Trap IP (1 and 2):
Description: * The IP address of 1 or 2 two P.C.’s which can access trap event
data and receive trap event warnings can be entered here.
Current IP addresses are displayed as status information
* Two parameters are available for Boot Traps. The
associated tick boxes are endorsed to activate trap
data/warnings. The parameters are:
o Warm Boot
o Cold Boot
* One parameter is available for Login Traps – “Illegal
Login”. An associated tick box can be endorsed to
activate trap data/warnings
* Two parameters are available for Link Traps. The
associated tick boxes are endorsed to activate trap
data/warnings. The parameters are:
o Link Up
o Link Down
“Link Up” and “Link Down” counters are displayed to show the
total status of these events.
Transmit (Rx) and Receive (Tx):
* Three parameters are available for Rx/Tx Traps. The
associated tick boxes are endorsed to activate trap
data/warnings. The parameters are:
o Rx Error Threshold
o Tx Error Threshold
o Error Threshold – enter a number, which will
determine how many events trigger a trap
exception warning
“Link Up” and “Link Down” counters are displayed
to show the total status of the Rx and Tx Error Threshold