User manual

Chapter 4. Administration
The Administration Page
Each of the administrative functions is represented by an icon at the left of the
page. Clicking the icon brings up its associated dialog box. When the
Administration page first comes up the General dialog box appears:
The General Page presents four items of information. This is the same
information that displays after you log in from a browser, or when you click the
General icon at the top left of the browser main page. The meaning of these
items is described in the table, below:
Item Meaning
Device Name This field lets you give the switch a unique name. This can be
convenient when you need to differentiate among several devices
in multi station installations.
MAC Address This item displays the KN2108 / KN2116’s MAC address.
Firmware Ver This item displays the current firmware version number. You can
reference it to see if there are newer versions available on the
Altusen website.
Last IP from
DHCP Server
If the switch is on a network that uses DHCP assigned IP
addresses, this item is a convenient way of ascertaining what its IP
address is, to inform the Users which IP to use when they connect
to the KN2108 / KN2116.