
Measurement Hold
You can freeze the ingress measurement at any time by pressing
the Shift + Snapshot keys. The measurement is retained even if
the cable is disconnected from the RF port. Notice that the mode
icon in the upper left-hand portion of the screen flashes when the
measurement is on hold. Press Shift + Snapshot keys again to
release the hold. The measurement is not retained when another
mode is selected or the MS1400 is shut off.
The Pass/Fail Indicator
You can look to the PASS/FAIL indicator located directly above the
graph to quickly determine whether ingress is within tolerance.
NOTE: The PASS/FAIL indicator will appear
only when The CHECK LIMIT configuration
option has been set to YES (see Check Limit
page 1-35).
NOTE: You can specify the PASS/FAIL limit
value (see Limit Value page 1-35).
Printing The Screen
You can print the entire screen at any time by pressing the Shift +
Print keys. A bar graph appears indicating the status of the printout.
Storing An Ingress File
Press Shift + Store keys to store the current ingress measurement
into a file. A screen will appear asking you to enter a name for the
file. Once stored, you will be able to recall the file at a later time and
view it on the Ingress screen. You will be able to adjust the screen
settings the same as when you are viewing a “live” measurement.
See VIEW page 2-27 to find out how to access files that you have