Installation Guide

ANTICO ELEMENTS - Headquarters: 3520 NW 46Th Street Unit #4 33142 Miami, Florida United States
There is an important thing to consider in order to create a professional looking corner:
Both sides of the corners should come from the same panel so that the bricks pattern and length will continue around the corner
correctly. Try not to use pieced from two different panels
Start by measuring where to cut the left side of the corner on a panel. Remember that you should always measure and mark the
back of the panels.
Tilt the saw blade at 45 degrees and make the first cut following the pencil line.
At this point one side of the panel is ready; the other will need to be cut again in order to have the angle match the on on the first
piece. Flip the second piece over, with the bricks facing down. At the end of the second cut you will be left with a long triangle
piece. Theoretically there should be very little material removed from the face of the panel, mostly from the back:
Installation Instructions forTBBR-2745 White Brick Panel
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