- APOLLO Consumer Products 12.1"/15.0"/15.1" TFT Intel Celeron/Pentium III Plastic-housing Panel PC with Versatile Stand design User's Manual 120 III, 150 III

User Manual version 2305
APOLLO 120/150 III
The Digital I/O is of TTL interface. It is controlled via
software programming.
Digital I/O Programming
Input/output address: 208H
In_Data 0~3=SD0~SD1
Out_Data 0~3 SD4~SD7
10 REM Digital I/O example program
20 X = INP (&H208) REM INPUT Digital I/O port
for 4 bit
30 X = OUT (&H208) REM OUTPUT Digital I/O port
for 4 bit
60 END
100 Return
Port 208H Definition