User manual

AR2010 USB Stick Synthesizer User Manual
3. FREQuency:REFerence:DIVider <numeric value>
This command allows the user to set the frequency reference divider of the USB Stick Synthesizer. The
reference frequency divider is used to provide finer resolution steps in integer mode. The acceptable
range for the reference divider is 1 through 127. The fundamental frequency step size in integer mode is
, where 𝑁 is the value of the reference divider.
Note: Phase noise will degrade as the REFDIV value increases.
FREQ :REF :DIV Space numeric value (1-127)
Allowed Values
The reference frequency divider value can be set to any integer value between 1 and 127.
FREQ:REF:DIV 10 This command sets the reference divider value to 10.
Default Condition
On power up, or when a *RST command is issued, the reference divider value defaults to the frequency
stored in the selected SYSTem:BOOTSTATE.
FREQ:REF:DIV? This query returns the reference divider value
Applied Radar, Inc. Revision 2.0.1 20