1. Open the gas supply to the water heater.
2. Remove the vent pipe from the vent connec-
tor on the top of the water heater.
3. Block the vent connector with sheet metal or
other noncombustible material.
4. Turn on the hot water supply to allow the
burner to activate. Hot flue gasses will spill
from the draft diverter momentarily. In less
than three (3) minutes, the linear spillage
switch should trip, opening the electric circuit
to the electromagnet valve and halting the
flow of gas to the burner.
NOTE: If spillage switch does not shut off the
gas, check that you have made the proper
safety circuit connections. If the switch still
does not trip, contact Controlled Energy
Corporation at 800 642 3111. NOTE: Models
with built in flue gas sensors (mounted on draft
diverter) may cut out operation of the heater
before the spillage switch does. This is not an
error of the spillage switch.
5. After the burners shut off, turn off hot water
supply and wait 2-3 minutes...then push the
reset button on the linear spillage switch.
6. Light pilot or operate heater and repeat Safety
Interlock Test, (Step 1-5)
7. Reconnect the vent pipe to the venting
system when complete.
CAUTION: Metal vent pipe and vent
blockage metal will be hot.
In the Event of Pilot/Burner Outage
1. Push the reset button located in the center of
the linear spillage sensing switch.
2. Verify that there is 115V power provided to the
Power Venter. This can be done by checking
the circuit breaker and electrical connections.
3. Visually verify that all the connections of the
control cord circuit are intact.
4. Follow heater installation and operating
instructions for relighting the heater.
5. Perform the operation circuit test and safety
circuit check. (See Safety Interlock Test)
1. Fan Motor runs all the time: Make sure the
pressure tube that connects to the heater is
properly connected to the burner manifold, not
the inlet gas pressure tap at the bottom of the
unit. See Figure B on page 3.
2. Pilot will not hold when manually lit or
spark automatically with hot water flow:
Check the linear spill switch reset button. If
this corrects the symptom, then either there
was a power outage in the home while the
heater was operating or the heater's flue gases
are not being properly discharged through the
power vent (see CAUTION box below).
If resetting the linear spill switch did not correct
the problem then reference this symptom in the
troubleshooting section of the water heater
CAUTION: If for any reason the system
has shut down during operation, the cause
of the system failure should be investigated
and corrected before resetting the safety
switches and lighting the pilot.
If you have any questions with regard to this installa-
tion, please call Controlled Energy at 800 642 3111.
In cold climates the vent hood and power vent motor
will not prevent infiltrating cold air to the heater when
not in use. Be sure to install the supplied backdraft
AQ1FLAPPER accessory within the vent hood on the
outside of the building. If not used, cold air can enter
the vent pipe and freeze the heaters heat exchanger
when not in use. Such damage is not covered under
the water heater's warranty.