Use and Care Manual

Incorporate the worms into a controlled environment bin with layers containing shredded dried leaves, cardboard, and shredded paper – and
maybe a little topsoil or sand. Worms need oxygen to live. Ideal temperature range is approximately 55° – 79° F. The worms will quickly seek the
dark by tunneling below. Position the vermicompost bin away from sunlight and away from rain.
Their search for food starts promptly. Composting worms can eat from
50% to 100% of their body weight each day. If you have 1,000 worms,
they can be fed between 1/2 lb to 1 lb of food every few days. Check in
the bin daily to gauge how much food is being eaten. At each feeding,
you can insert the food scraps (produce only, no meat or dairy
products) under the bedding in a different area of the bin to
encourage active searching. The pH level should be slightly acidic and
maintained between 6.0 – 7.0.
Add bedding at every feeding and follow researched suggested meal
items to prevent foul odors or the attraction of other critters into your
bins. In their moist (but not wet) environment, these worms munch
through many fruits and vegetables. They typically do not like onions,
citrus, or spicy peppers. Chop or break up large hunks of produce
waste to facilitate grazing. Composting worms have no teeth, so they
grind the food by using their muscles.
You will notice little yellow-ish, lemon shaped egg cases, which may
contain 3-6 worms each. Those baby worms will quickly mature, mate,
and more egg cases will appear. It is typical for fully grown worms to
lay egg cases about every 30 days.
Vermicompost is the result of composting worms eating produce
scraps and paper and expelling waste. This valuable organic matter
provides vital minerals for plants and typically increases garden
yields. For use in the garden and with indoor plants, worm castings
(worm excrement), can be combined with water to concoct a
tea-looking liquid for boosting plant growth. Nothing is wasted and
the process is chemical free.

Summary of content (1 pages)