User Guide

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You may also notice that photos offer a "Pan & Zoom" option. Pan & Zoom is discussed later, when we get to
creating slideshows.
When you click on a video clip on
the Storyboard, you'll see editing
options similar to those available
when editing photos. In addition to
being able to modify the video color,
you can also adjust the volume and
playback speed.
Sometimes the volume of a certain video clip will be too loud when played with the rest of the audio in your movie.
If that's the case, simply drag the slider to the left to lower the sound level. If you want to completely mute the
sound, simply check the appropriate box.
You can have a lot of fun playing with the speed control. Speed video up to produce funny slapstick scenes of
your family members running around the house, or slow things down to create that cheesy slo-mo action sci-fi
effect that Hollywood has been milking for the past few years. Whoa.
If your video clip is a little long or has parts you simply don't want to include, you can trim it in no time. Take a look
at the video in the Player. You'll notice that there are green and pink trim markers. These let you change the
start/end time of the video. All you need to do is click and drag them. Alternately, you can move the timer to the
spot you want, then click the respective Trim button (the green and pink scissorses). Save your project!
When viewing your entire project, you
can modify the overall audio of the
Video track and both Audio tracks.