User Guide

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Click the Effects tab to see all of the fun and unusual effects. Effects are added to specific items on the Video
track. You can modify the duration of the effect by clicking and dragging the edges. Note that effects are added to
individual components of the video track. You can't, for example, extend an effect over two pictures. You need to
add the effect over both of them. By the way, you can tell which components have effects attached to them in the
Storyboard view by the star icon that they display.
Your video must look pretty awesome at this point. No? Well, don't worry, great film makers aren't made
overnight, or however long it took you to get to this point. At least you now know how to make a cool video. Now
it's just a matter of getting used to all the tools, discovering your own techniques and tricks, and gathering cool
content. Before you "export" your video, save your project and give it a good preview in the Player. Enjoy the fruit
of your labors! Okay, now go ahead and click the Export tab.
We'll make like you've created this video so that you can put it on DVD. So, go ahead and choose "DVD File" from
the pull-down. You can save in a variety of file types, and alter various settings for each one. Let's use the default
settings for now. Verify that you're saving the movie as a DVD (MPEG-2) file to your hard drive, then click Start. A
standard Save As window will appear.