User guide

Retarget __user_initial_stackheap()
__user_initial_stackheap() must be reimplemented if you are using scatter loading.
Ensure that you have reimplemented the function correctly and that the new module is linked with
your code. Use the reimplementation provided in the Examples directory as a starting point for
your reimplementation.
Make regions large enough to hold the code and data
If you specify a maximum size in the scatter-loading description file, ensure that the size is big
enough to hold the related code or data.
If you specify absolute addresses for each region, ensure that the regions do not overlap.
Use an ANY specifier in the description file
If you are using very specific names to allocate code and data, you might have some code that
does not match the specification and is not placed. Use the * or ANY specifications to provide a
location for all unmatched code and data.
Writing Code for ROM
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